
KUDOS Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to those celebrating these milestones this month.


Mt Zion adheres to the UMC Safe Sanctuary policy:
Children under 12 years of age are not permitted to go to restrooms unaccompanied, they must be accompanied by a parent or trusted guardian. Nor are children younger than 12 years of age permitted to roam in the church building or church grounds without parental supervision.

From the desk or our Sound Media committee chair: Please do not adjust any of our sound equipment such as mic’s, speakers, or sound media board without approval from Bro Roosevelt Martin or Bro DeMontae Reid. Our contact person regarding this matter is Bro Roosevelt Martin

As a reminder, Pastor Randolph’s sabbath day is Friday. Please contact Min Dionel Green while Pastor Randolph is on his sabbath.

Our Prayer List: Acquanetta Williams, Paige Dennis, Karen Townes, Sara Holmes, Sheila Taliaferro, William Lane, JoAnn Copeland,
Hazel Green, Darlene Hines, Sonia Offer, Donald Green, Jr., Annette, Linda, & Crystal Bradford and family, Lottie Richardson (Pastor’s Aunt), Ruby Kaiue (First Lady’s mother), Dale Anderson’s family in his passing, and Sister Andre Monroe & Family.

Liturgist Volunteers: If you are interested in serving as a liturgist (reading scriptures) during our worship services, please contact CLS Verda Hall or Pastor Randolph to have your name added to the roster.

If you have an interested in reading scriptures during our Sunday worship services, please reach out to CLS Verda Hall so that you name can be added to the rotation.

Grant Writing Volunteer is Needed: To help Mt. Zion with writing grants for our Rosenwald School Restoration Project. If you are willing to give of your time and talent to this ministry, please contact Bro. Louis Brown at (443) 336-5894 or CLS Grace Brooks at (443) 463-0509 for details.

GriefShare Support Group: Mt. Zion’s 13-week GriefShare Support Group meets every Saturday from 2:00 PM–4:00 PM through April 5, 2025. Sessions are held in person. For more information, contact Pastor Randolph or Minister Dionel Green.

February 8 – Pre- Valentines Day Kiddie Sneaker Ball – Sponsored by Outreach, Children’s and Youth ministry from 5 – 8pm.  Tickets – $10 per couple or $6 individual.  Please direct questions to CLS Verda Hall @ 410-802-1380 or Sis Andrea Pellom @ 410-919-8278,

March 5th – Ash Wednesday Service –  The Churches United for Christ Ash Wednesday Service will be held here at Mt. Zion at 7:00 PM.

The “Ignite” Youth Conference, hosted by the Baltimore-Washington Conference (formerly known as the Rock Youth Conference), is quickly approaching! This year’s conference will be held from Friday, March 7th to Sunday, March 9th, in Ocean City. Parents, grandparents, and guardians of all youth in grades 6 through 12 who are interested in having their children attend, please contact CLS Bret Lane @ 443-942-8169 for more information.

Min Dionel Green is now our home visitation and communion coordinator, if you or one of your loved ones have a need for a home visit to receive communion, please contact Min Green at 443-572-6399.

Any members wanting a copy of the current finance report, please send an email to our finance ministry at Please contact our finance chair, Bro DuJuan Tilghman if you have any questions.

Mt Zion offers the option to give electronically by using the. “Givelify APP”. On the app search for “MT. Zion-Magothy United Methodist Church”. You can also give via the U.S. Mail at P.O. Box 128, Pasadena, MD 21122.


Let us continue to pray one for another as the Bible says, “the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:6 (NKJV)