
Wednesday Evening Life Application Bible Study will resume on September 4th,   Meeting with the B. G. Ensemble and anyone else interested in being a part of this ministry on Sunday September 8th   Annual Charge Conference on Wednesday, September 15th at 7:00PM. All members are encouraged to attend.   Mt. Zion United Women in Faith will celebrate their anniversary on Sunday, September 22, 2024,


Minister and Mrs Johnnie Randolph, Jr.

Minister Randolph’s Christian walk began on September 2008, when he became a member of Queen’s Chapel United Methodist Church (QCUMC) located in Beltsville, MD.

It was in 2012 that Johnnie surrendered himself to and began forging a committed relationship with or Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.  Since becoming a member of Queen’s Chapel, he’s served as an usher, sang in various choirs, served as a member of the QCUMC stewardship committee, Certified Lay Servant, Certified Lay Minister, as well as being a member and chairperson of the QCUMC Staff Pastor Parish Relations Committee.  Minister Randolph is also a life member of the QCUMC United Methodist Men\’s Unit.  Prior to his assignment to  Mount Zion United Methodist Church-Magothy, Min Randolph was serving as QCUMC Lay Leader and Church Council Co-Chair.

Minister Randolph completed the Baltimore Washington Conference United Methodist Church (BWCUMC) Certified Lay Minister course of study in 2018 and served as a member of the QCUMC ministerial staff.

Min Randolph served more than 23 years in the U.S. Army and holds a Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences degree from Touro University.

Min Randolph enjoys studying the Word Of God,  teaching bible study, and preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ.  His favorite scripture is the 23rd Psalm and firmly believes that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)